Posted by: chlost | October 11, 2010


My time as a blogger has been  relatively short.  I started this blog 9 months ago. My daughter and my daughter-in-law had blogs, and I had read them sporadically.  I started my own blog with a very simple thought-I would write things about my life.

I imagined I would have a blog which would record daily happenings. More of  a daily journal. I have sporadically  kept a hand-written journal for several years. That has focused on sharing family stories and daily events with my two granddaughters. In fact, all entries in that journal are addressed to them.

So, this blog began as just a computerized version of that journal. I never anticipated that anyone else would read my blog. I didn’t tell anyone in my family that I was writing a blog, just as I would not expect my family to read my hand-written blog.

Then my sister died. My blog became more of a grief therapy outlet. I learned how to tag my entries, and found that there were people out there who shared many of the feelings I had with the death of a family member. People wrote to offer support and suggestions. There was a sharing of grief and hope that it is possible to survive hard times. The tone of my blog changed and I have found myself using the blog as a place to share feelings, opinions as well as daily life.

Then I started to comment on blogs which I found interesting. I would read several blogs regularly, and found that others would comment on my blog. A group of bloggers began to regularly exchange comments and information between their blogs.

When I started this blog, I had no idea that I would come to know people from all over the world-as well as several from nearby-whom I would feel were friends. The level of sharing that I have found amongst these blogging friends is more than I have found with friends I have known since childhood. Perhaps it is the medium-it may be easier to share life’s difficult times through writing than it would be to do so face to face.

I have been involved in thought-provoking conversations on subjects such as religion, race, bigotry, politics and sex. These conversations are respectful, intelligent and educational. I can’t remember the last time I have had similar conversations in face-to-face situations.  

I am amazed at the life experiences of those whom I feel I have come to know. The cynical side of me would point out that anyone could write things as personal stories which were actually fiction. As we know, some well-known authors have done so.

But I don’t think that is true. The life stories I have recently read ring true. Horribly true at times.  These are people who have lived their lives through difficulty, challenge, pain and loss and have emerged with strength and dignity. Sharing your lives in such moving ways has made me feel even closer to you, and even more in awe of you.

You know who you are. I say that in the sense that you are aware of yourself and your place in the world. You are heroes.

I’m so honored to have come to know you.  Thank you for being my friend.


  1. Chlost – I have seen your name many times on Marks blog and now also on Sweffling and Yael (did I spell that right?).

    I’m sorry to hear about your sister. I have three sisters and three brothers and cannot imagine what it would be like to lose any of them. But unfortunately, in other ways I am well acquainted with grief. Thank you for a lovely post.

    • Thanks so much for visiting. I suppose we do all have grief experiences, but it feels so lonely sometimes as you deal with it. Hope you come back soon!

  2. Awwwwwwww shucks!!!!!!!! I am so happy to have you in my blogospere family!!! You are an interesting and intelligent lady and I love it that you honor my blog with your presence.

    • Ditto—right back at you!

  3. It was a lucky day for me when I met you on the net! I have enjoyed meeting your blogging friends and being a part of so many interesting conversations.

    • Thanks-I also feel lucky to have you on my list of blog friends!

  4. Yes, isn’t it amazing. My hand written journals have always been open for anyone to read….lots of drawings always interested folks. Then I came here, and in these downward sliding years found a whole new world in the written word. I need to save the blog of one friend who died. I mourn here quietly but will feel much better with her poems in my hands. folks become so special here. Thank you for commenting on this.

    • When I am gone, anyone can read the handwritten journals, but I don’t want to feel that I have to edit things, except as I naturally do for them as grandchildren. Thanks for sharing on your blog.

  5. I, too, feel so privileged to have met special people who have been kind enough to talk with me and take an interest back. Its is so unexpected and such a wonderful thing: I read a post or a comment and it stays with me throughout the day as I wonder how so-and-so is doing. I began blogging with some scepticism and worry about who I might come into contact with: false images and invention masquerading as truth. Instead I have made some friends, true friends, and am learning all the time about others’ experiences and lives. It is so enriching. Thank you for your insightful posts and comments, your honest sharing and your friendship.

    • I am so in awe of you and all that you are doing and all that you have gone through. And that is just what you have shared, I imagine there is much more. I feel very lucky to have you as a friend, as well.

  6. It’s funny how we kind of fall into this blogging thing. I sometimes wonder how long I will be able to keep it up, or if I will have the wisdom to quit when I am still on my game.

    I think it is easier to share thoughts on controversial topics in this venue than face-to-face… for one, there is less likelihood of unpleasant responses from others. In a blog, you can just delete an offensive comment. *smiles*

    • I certainly find it easier to do in writing than dealing with hard issues face to face. Thanks for sharing your great blog! I always love to read your posts!

  7. I’m not one of the heroic ones, but I know exactly what you mean about the community of bloggers. I have received remarkable support through t=some really tough situations and also have people rejoice for me when things go well. I love that.

    • I disagree about the heroic part, but you are right that it is great to have support and sharing through our blogs! Thanks for yours.

  8. You have pretty much echoed my exact thoughts dear friend. The blog world I now found myself in is nowhere near the world I entered when I first started blogging about 5 years ago. At first, it was just an outlet for goofy stories and a release for alot of the stresses I was having. Now, I have come to have a small core group of real close blog friends that are just like family. I would not trade them for anything in the world. Now, whenever I share painful or personal information on the blog, I am doing so knowing that loving family members are reading those posts. I have met a number of truly amazing people online, most of whom I will never meet in person, but people that are now a huge part of my life nonetheless. I am humbled to have you as one of my close blog family members Chlost! Have a great day!

    • Just in the short time that I have been reading your blog, I have seen great life changes that you have shared. Your ability to be supportive of others as you have dealt with the challenges you’ve recently had, all the while helping all of us laugh, has been amazing. Thanks for your friendship!

  9. I am pleased that you entered blogland. I enjoy reading your posts. I don’t read them each time you post them but when I come to your blog I go back and read them all. I really can talk more freely with my blogging friends than with other people I know near me. I still go on many trips (trying to do as much as I can for as long as I can) and that does not leave me much time to comment. I enjoy your blog and your look on life.

    • Thank you! Traveling is such a gift, we should do it as much and for as long as possible.

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