Posted by: chlost | November 11, 2011

Grandma’s night

There are two little girls in the bedroom across the hall. I can hear them talking and singing,  a little whine here and there. Most importantly, they are NOT sleeping.

It is 9:30 pm. One little girl is 4 (“and a half!”), the other is 2 1/2. They are in the bedroom I have set aside as theirs, in a queen bed side by side. They have been sleeping together during weekend visits at their maternal grandmother’s home, which I have been assured have gone well.

This is our first try at having both girls stay over without their parents. They were very excited about the plan. I was even more excited. I made a stop at the bullseye store to pick up some groceries for them, some special towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste, dishes and a bathroom step stool.

We had a great evening together, but they were desperate to see Bop (grandpa). He did not get home until about an hour ago. Once he arrived, they were bundled off to bed pronto. They were very cooperative, pleasant and happy.

Now we are struggling. We’ve had one expedition led by the younger sister. I would not be surprised if it was instigated by her big sister. I can almost hear it “Go downstairs and find Ga”. Returned to the bedroom, the wheedling began. They don’t like the bed. They are not tired. They are hot. There are too many pillows.They don’t want to sleep together. They don’t want to sleep apart.

Ahhhh, yes-I’d forgotten.

Little do they know how seasoned I am in these games. My grandparenting skills have been honed both as the child in that bed and the parent of such children. I was not born yesterday, my dears.

It is so wonderful to see these two bonding as sisters. The baby is still too young to stay without parents, as she is still nursing. But I am hopeful that eventually all three will be strongly bonded. As adults, my sisters and I have been close. As teenagers, we fought with each other constantly.  I literally have scars from some of the more intense arguments. As young children, we were inseparable.

That is my hope for my granddaughters. Having a close bond with your sisters is incomparable to any other relationship in life.

The giggles seem to have subsided. The room has been quiet for several minutes now.

If I were to dare to peek in (I do not, yet), I imagine they are sleeping facing each other on their polka dot pillows, each clutching the piles of stuffed animals they gathered around them.

Sweetness personified.

Best appreciated after an hour of spice.


  1. I loved this post! I remember sleeping at my Grandma Dale’s after Grandpa died.My nose ued to bleed bad for no reason at all. One night it started bleeding while my sister and I were all wrapped up in her clean sheets and blankets. I was too ashamed to ask for help. So my sister ried out. And my Grandma was not mad at all.

    • I have a lot of memories like that, too-don’t remember a bloody nose, though!

  2. Smiling from ear-to-ear, thinking of the time in the future when two little boys, now aged 2 and 4 months, will be old enough to sleep at NeNe’s house.

    • It is so fun to have them at this age now. Babies are fun, but I love when they can have a conversation. Those little brains are just going a mile a minute.

  3. Aww, how sweet and actually took me back about 65 years. Things don’t change much do they?

    • Some things never change-thank goodness!

  4. What a cozy image. You sound like a fantastic grandma.

    • Thank you.

  5. “Best appreciated after an hour of spice.” – isn’t that the truth!

    • Yup!

  6. How warm and beautiful and heart wrenching. Savor those moments that will fly by before you know it.

    • This time seems to be speeding by already. I can’t believe that they are so grown up.

  7. The calm after the storm needs to be savored.

    • It was wonderful!

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